Detecting & Improving Scoliosis with Gonstead Chiropractic in Elmhurst IL
Detecting & Improving Scoliosis with Gonstead Chiropractic in Elmhurst IL

You may have heard about scoliosis or know someone who has suffered from scoliosis before. Many people are familiar with body braces or the surgeries that put rods in the back to correct the spinal curve.
However, many people are unaware that mild to severe scoliosis in Elmhurst IL can remain undetected for years. This is because it is often not cosmetically discernible to the average person. And even if a child gets checked by a school nurse or pediatrician, a surface level exam doesn’t pick up on the nuances of what is happening in the spine.
Chiropractic can be a very effective, safe option to help manage scoliosis and resulting dysfunction.
What Exactly is Scoliosis in Elmhurst IL?
So what is scoliosis? Basically, it’s a condition where the spine becomes distorted. It can cause the spine to bend towards the side in one or more curves and it can also cause the vertebrae to become rotated. This can cause whole body issues as well as pain and if the spine curves to the left, it could create serious heart dysfunctions.
There are two types of scoliosis, functional and structural. Functional scoliosis may be fixed with stretching, joint mobilization, and exercises. This kind of scoliosis can be caused because the body is compensating for a longer or shorter leg on one side or from muscle imbalances that are pulling the spine out of alignment, for example. This kind of scoliosis responds really well to chiropractic care and consistent adjustments.
Structural scoliosis is much more severe. It can be congenital, from trauma, a neuromuscular problem, or from metabolic problems. Most structural scoliosis cases however, are idiopathic meaning that there is no known cause. 90% of idiopathic scoliosis occur in adolescents from 10 years old until skeletal maturity. It is also more common in females at a 6:1 ratio.
Thankfully chiropractic is a simple, all-natural choice to help the body to correct and adapt, even if curvatures and misalignments are present as an adult.
Scoliosis Diagnosis
Identifying any curvatures to the spine as early as possible is crucial. This is why we suggest babies and kids be checked by a chiropractor! Again, if a baby is born with scoliosis, parents may not be able to tell.
Gonstead chiropractors, like Dr. DeClark, may take x-rays, observe shoulder and hip asymmetries, and palpate the spine for abnormalities and muscle tension. There are also several orthopedic tests that are used. A patient may seem fine while standing, but scoliosis is more visible when they bend to touch their toes.
Gonstead doctors have specific examination procedures to test leg length, full spine x-rays, and palpation to detect scoliosis even in its early stages.
Goal of Care for Patients with Chiropractic
Management of scoliosis depends on the cause and the degree of curvature. Depending on the degree of severity, chiropractic care may help stop the curves from progressing and may even be able to reduce it. Conservative care is extremely useful to relieve symptoms and improve function.
Adjustments can help keep the spine flexible so the scoliosis is less likely to progress. It can also remove dysfunction that disrupts the nerve input to the brain, balance the spine and improve the nervous system function. Leveling the pelvis and sacrum can also make a difference.
Dr. DeClark actively monitors your spine to see how you respond to care.
Does It Really Help?
Chiropractic cannot treat scoliosis but it may make a significant difference in the function of the spine and reduction of symptoms of scoliosis. Sometimes, it can even intervene when traditional medical options are ineffective.
One case of this was a case study published about a 15-year-old girl who had been suffering from right thoracic scoliosis since she was 11. Although she was receiving regular rehabilitation therapy and bracing, the curve in her spine continued to progress to 45 degrees.
Although surgery was suggested, she received spinal manipulation therapy for 18 consecutive months. On her follow-up scans, they found that her scoliosis had decreased to 29 degrees! The girl’s lower back pain also went away and her previous constipation problems were resolved.
While more invasive interventions may be helpful, they also carry their own risks. Conservative care can make a significant difference for patients who are looking for a safer option for their scoliosis.
Below are many other case studies that showcase the effectiveness of chiropractic care for patients of all kinds.
Ready to have your nervous system optimized? Dr. DeClark is the only chiropractor in the Elmhurst area who focuses on structural chiropractic. We get to the cause issues by looking at the foundation of the body, with the goal of bringing the whole person back to a healthy state. Click to schedule an appointment!
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“Great owner operated place. Four of five family members have been treated here, with great success. Science based treatment that makes sense. Appointments are easy and efficient, plenty of on street local parking. I'm very comfortable putting myself in Dr. Greg's hands.”
- Brendan
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